Suffering from rectal sores? Aches all over? Balding? You may be one of the thousands of Viennese people today suffering from Syphilis. You are not alone, we can help.
Come on down to City Apothecary for a consultation with our expertly trained specialists and friars! Premarital sex is not reported to the Duke but he may be disguised as one of our friars. Located between Overdone's Brothel and the City Dungeon on Broadway street.
Mon-Thurs-7 am-6 pm
Friday-9 am-11 pm
Saturday-8 am- 6 pm
Sunday- Closed for Sabbath
Hear from our patients!
City Apothecary helped me get the treatment I needed for my French pox. Now, my sores don't hurt as much and I can finally see my hair start to grow! The staff acted very friendly, although I was arrested immediately after by a man who greatly resembled the friar who treated me. But I can say now that I am healthier, happier and more chaste than ever before thanks to City Apothecary and the dungeon to which I am confined.
-Madam Overdone, 38